I want to start this post off by saying: GOD IS SO SMART!
I have been doing research about the RAW diet for Chance and Trinity and ran into a woman who is all about keeping her dogs healthy. She told me about this website, Natural Rearing. I read every article on that website and got my mind filled with information! There are articles about the diet you should give your dog, the water you should let your dog drink and the truth about vaccinations.
The best article I read on that site was, Enzymes: The Master Key to Health. Though the writer is very big on "mother nature" and how "she" created the body to be a certain way, this article opened my eyes to how the body functions and what cells do! God is so smart to create our body this way, and it isn't just our bodies, but it's the bodies of all the creatures that He created!
No "big bang" could create tiny little cells that work together to keep a body functioning. I'm in awe of how God can create something with just a word! All the creatures that were made came into existence by a word spoken and all of their cells work perfectly! Yet, as humans we think we need to add all of these things to our dogs, cats, horses or whatever animal because "science said so". I understand that medicine is a good thing, but bodies are created to fight things off without the help of so many different medications. I believe that medicine is used when the body cannot function correctly, but on the topic of vaccinations, I think that we shouldn't pump our pets full of things to protect them. Their bodies can do that on their own. Having a little boost once in a while is a good thing, but not every year, all the time.
I understand that by law we have to get certain vaccinations for our animals, but I am going to continue to research this subject out so that I can make an informed decision about what I'm putting into my dog's bodies.
Now, on the subject of food! Ever since hearing about the RAW food diet for Great Danes, I've been reading about it and trying to understand it. Simply put, dogs in the wild eat raw food all the time from the prey that they kill. Lets say that a pack of wolves hunt and kill an elk. The first thing that the wolves eat are the organs, specifically the stomach and the intestines. They eat this part of the elk first because it is packed with everything that the wolves need in their diet; meat, vegetation and the vitamins found in the liver and whatnot.
God programmed wolves and wild canines to eat what their bodies need. Humans domesticated the canine and back in the "cave man days" the dogs who lived with the humans ate the scraps from their owners. They basically got the same thing that their cousins in the wild got; meat, vegetation and vitamins. (Believe it or not, a human as a similar diet to that of canines!) Then, as humans got more advanced in a sense, we began feeding our dogs whatever the vets told us to give them and in this day in age we give our pets whatever is best advertised on the television.
I have never looked at what is put into pet food until I started studying out the health of Danes. Learning about the process of bagged dog food makes my stomach turn. This article, Its in the Bag, gave me a clear understanding on how bagged dog food is made. Reading that article pretty much sold me on feeding my dogs a raw food diet from now on! I have heard many times that dog food is not as good as it seems, but I never thought it was that bad!
I plan on starting Chance on this diet as soon as possible, but I also plan on starting to treat myself better as well. Reading up on how the body works and what it needs to function makes me want to start helping my body out a lot more. If I want to live healthy, keep my body functioning well and not being so sick all the time I need to put things into my body that will help it function better. God created my body to run a certain way and I haven't been taking care of it very well. My body is the temple of God and I'm not keeping it healthy at all!
I really love how God moved on my heart and mind while I was studying something for my "hobby" in a sense. He has the funniest ways of encountering me and showing me that He loves me! I have been told by doctors, family members and friends that I need to "get healthy", but to me that was just working out and all that jazz. Now, I finally understand what they are saying! My body needs to be healthy if I want to live my life to the fullest, meaning functioning in the Prayer Room and eventually getting married and having children. I'm twenty and it's time to start getting my body healthy!
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