I would like to announce the arrival of my newest pack member, Trinity!
She was born on March 11th, 2013 at SSBlue
Haven Danes in Hillsboro,
Ohio. Trinity is one of six that were born in her litter. She has three
sisters and two brothers. She was the fifth one born out of all six. Her color
is called Blue Merle. She has had her dewclaws removed and she will be
de-wormed and have most of her vaccinations done by the time I get
her in June.
This is Trinity with her littermates. She's the only Merle in the bunch! |
I am already in love with her.
She's so small and so perfect. She had cute little white toes and her black
spots aren't too big. Her little tail has a few spots on it as well. She just
opened her eyes today, so I'm not sure what color eyes she'll have. I'm sure
they're blue at the moment, but maybe they'll be brown when she gets
This is Rose, Trinity's mother. She weighs one hundred and thirty
pounds and she is thirty-two inches tall at the shoulders. A big girl, isn't
she? Her daughter should be pretty large too. Rose lives at SSBlue Haven Danes
and she will be there when I pick up Trinity. I'm very excited to meet this
gentle giant!
This handsome beast is Kayne, the father of Trinity. He's only ten
pounds heavier than his mate at one hundred and forty pounds. He stands
thirty-four inches at his shoulder, making him very large as well. Seeing how
big these parents are it seems sure that their pups are going to be huge! Kayne
isn't from SSBlue Haven Danes, he's from TripleCGreatDane.
The owners of Kayne and Rose know each other and they're pretty close friends.
I will hopefully meet Kayne when I pick Trinity up to take her to her forever
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